For sale here is a Jay Harvey 'Washington' 9' 3/2 bamboo rod made by Heddon. This is the highest grade rod made for Jay Harvey Washington's private label. Marked as a #15HB (heavy bass), this is roughly equivalent to the high grade Heddon #50 President, 2 3/4F rod. Medium toned cane with dark snake guides and red agate stripping guide. Wraps are bronze gold with dark tipping. All sections are straight and full length, and the ferrules fit perfectly (21/64 & 13/64). The snake guide closest to the male mid ferrule is rewrapped, and the varnish has spots of bag burn/varnish softening throughout. I wouldn’t' characterize it as full meltdown, but each section has at least one or two small sections of bag burn (most prevalent on the mid). Strap & ring hook keeper over Tenite winding check. 7" grip is soiled & smooth. Down-locking reel seat with Tenite threads, dark hardware and walnut spacer. Weight is a hair over 6oz. A strong 9-footer, most comfortable with a 7 or 8wt line. Sold in what I suspect is the original tube and replacement bag.