Robichaud, D.L. - Traditional #3 Fly Reel (2.7")

For sale here is a D.L. Robichaud 2.7" Traditional fly reel in mint condition. The Traditional series was made in 7 sizes, this is the #3. LHW with a fixed check. Fully machined, black side plates, silver frame and spool. The S-handle is counterbalanced, and the reel is quite smooth with a crisp check. 2.7" diameter, spool width is 7/8" and the reel weighs 4.1oz. I see no signs the reel was ever used. Robichaud reels were made in the 1990's and they represent a perfect pairing of modern materials and timeless design. This #3 would be perfect with a 3 or 4wt line. Sold in the original drawstring leather pouch, although the logo has just about faded away. 

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