Wheby, Munsey - 7'6" 2/2 4wt Bamboo Rod (PHY Perfectionist Taper)

For sale here is a 7'6" 2/2 4wt bamboo rod from the bench of Munsey Wheby. This is a new rod from the maker, based on the PHY Perfectionist taper. The rod features medium flamed cane, 3x3 nodes, oxidized snake guides and high-bridge carbide stripper. Wraps are transparent brown. Blued ferrules fit perfectly, and the female is fitted with a nickel silver "top hat" ferrule plug. All sections are full length and dead straight. Bent loop hook keeper and all-cork grip & reel seat with dual slide bands. Weight is 3.20oz. Medium fast, semi-parabolic action. A beautiful small stream rod from Mr. Wheby.  Sold in the original bag and tube. 

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